Strong Families Create Strong Communities
Family is an important part of what makes South Dakota strong. We’re here to make sure you have access to the services and programs that can help you make the best decisions for your family – because strong communities create a stronger South Dakota.

Caring for Baby
From changing the first diaper to cutting those tiny nails, caring for your baby takes practice. Relax— you and your baby will learn and grow together. These great resources can help, too!
Nutrition & Breastfeeding
Benefits of Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding helps protect your baby from health problems now and later on. Learn more about the many benefits of breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding-friendly Businesses
Hundreds of South Dakota businesses have taken the breastfeeding-friendly business pledge. See which businesses welcome customers and employees who are breastfeeding.
WIC gives low-income parents information on nutrition, healthcare, and helps them pay for groceries. It’s easy to check if you’re eligible.
Growing & Learning
SD Birth to Three
SD Birth to Three supports children with developmental delays (from birth to 36 months) through home visits that build family strengths by focusing on everyday routines and learning experiences. This service provides training for parents and everyone involved in the child’s care.
SD Step Ahead
Connect with resources for setting developmentally appropriate guidelines for your child from birth to kindergarten.
SD Head Start
SD Head Start helps kids in low-income families (from birth to age 5) with language, reading, and social-emotional growth so they’re ready to succeed in school.
SD Statewide Family Engagement Center (SFEC)
SFEC’s Birth to 5 provides courses, videos, articles, and downloads to help you get your child ready to learn, read, and write.
Medical & Dental Care
Newborn Screening
Newborn screening helps health professionals identify and treat conditions before they make a baby sick. It includes blood, hearing, and heart screening.
Well-Child Checkups
Regular check-ups are important to keep babies, children, and teens healthy. Use these handy schedules to keep your kids up-to-date on check-ups and immunizations.
Dentist by 1
Take your baby to the dentist by his or her first birthday. Learn why this early dentist visit can start a lifetime of healthy teeth, and download a list of providers that welcome young children.
Immunizations are safe and—when done on time—they can save your child’s life, especially before age 2. Here’s how you can protect your child.
Child Care & Safety
Child Care Provider Search
Looking for child care you can trust? Search for registered or licensed child care providers by name, location, and size (how many children they accept).
Child Safety Seat Distribution Program
This program provides free child safety seats to families who meet income requirements. Learn more about keeping your kids alive when you drive.
Child Protective Services
Learn the signs of abuse and neglect. To report child abuse or neglect, call 1-877-244-0864, Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. For emergencies outside these hours, call 911.
Safe Sleep
Using safe sleep practices will greatly reduce a baby’s risk of SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) and SUID (sudden unexpected infant death). Learn guidelines for safe sleep and other ways to keep your baby safe.

Parenting Help
You want to be the best parent you can be. Free parenting classes, affordable housing and healthcare, and help buying nutritious food can help you raise a happy, healthy child.
Parent Education & Classes
Responsive Parenting
Responsive Parenting classes teach parents with young children (birth to age 3) about social-emotional growth, early brain development, safety, temperament, and guidance.
Common Sense Parenting Program
The Common Sense approach teaches easy-to-learn parenting techniques that address issues with communication, discipline, decision-making, relationships, and self-control when parenting.
Financial Assistance
Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
CHIP provides healthcare coverage—including regular check-ups, Well-Child Care exams, and dental and vision care—for children up to age 18.
Medicaid provides health insurance for children, low-income parents, and pregnant women.
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
SNAP helps low-income families buy the food they need to stay healthy while they work to become financially independent.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
TANF provides temporary funds to children and families with serious financial needs due to the death, absence, incapacity, or unemployment of a parent.
Child Care Assistance Program
Child Care Assistance helps low-income families pay for child care while they work, attend school, or both.
Energy and Weatherization Assistance
Energy and Weatherization Assistance helps low-income families with home heating costs and making their home more energy efficient.
Rental Assistance
The South Dakota Housing Development Authority offers affordable rental housing for low-income families.
Jobs & Training
SD Department of Labor
Search for a job, explore new careers, get job training, or continue your education with tools provided by the SD Department of Labor.
Helpline Center
The Helpline Center’s Guided Search can connect you with employment opportunities, job training, housing, food, clothing, healthcare, and more.
Mental Health & Substance Use Support
Community Behavioral Health Services
If you or a loved one is struggling with mental health issues (such as postpartum depression) or problems with alcohol or other drugs, Community Behavioral Health Services can connect you with treatment in your area.
South Dakota Suicide Prevention
For anyone experiencing depression or suicidal thoughts, call, text or chat 988 (24/7). For information on recognizing warning signs, risk factors, and intervention strategies, visit South Dakota Suicide Prevention.
SD QuitLine
Get support for quitting cigarettes, chew, or vape. Coaching is free for any South Dakotan age 13 and older. Call 1-866-SD-QUITS or request a call from a coach. You can also receive free medication without coaching when you sign up for a Kickstart Kit.
Avoid Opioid SD
Opioid addiction can happen to anyone. Get the facts and learn about the risks, side effects, and where to find help in South Dakota. If you or someone you love is struggling with opioids, call 1-800-920-4343.
Medical Care
SD Family Planning Program
Family Planning provides medical care and counseling for: contraceptives, pregnancy testing, birth spacing, breast and cervical cancer screenings, and STD screenings. These services are available for all South Dakotans. Fees are based on income. Find a clinic near you.